Well, how i spend my holidays?
So, what do you guys think?
Goyang-goyang under the coconut tree?
Nah, I'm so busy working for the whole holiday!!!
Worked as technician of air conditioner & ice cube lorry driver!!
Tough work rite?Coolie rite? But i used to work since I'm in primary!
Even my skin tanned a lot!
And I believed this is most unlucky or bad luck holidays I had!!
Damn Suay!!! or maybe DAMN FUCKING SUAY!!
1st-Accidentally injured my leg when lift up the air conditioner!
2nd- Kena summons! Drive lorry without proper license or GDL! Caught by JPJ! Blacklisted!
Can you see that the AJ number is different?
What does that means?
It mean KENA TWO summons!!
Each Rm150!
3rd-Unable to renew my Road Tax(Blacklisted by JPJ)
JPJ had actually set a date for me to attend the Court session! Wake up early in the morning, drive to Tangkak Court(about 25 mins from my home). Once reached there, the clerk said "Hari ini sesi COURT dibatalkan kerana Hakim ada seminar di KL."Walao! so darn angry! Wasting my time! But still got some lucky thing is I went back to JPJ and ask for a new date for Court, the clerk actually help me to "rayuan" to the officer in-charge for me to pay the summons without attending court! At last the officer in-charge agreed!! Thanks GOD! no need attend court again!
4th- Over Speed around Kesang Laut. Tracked down by speed track gadget! Not once but twice again!
If not mistaken Rm300 for each! Designed speed is 90km/h yet i drive at 126km/h.Haven pay yet! NO MONEY!!! BROKE!!!
5th- Sprainked my leg during playing basketball.Became Pig leg!Haven recover until now. Still got slightly pain when walking!
Ended my unlucky/suay life! Hope the good luck come to me!
Strike lottery arh!!! Now alr reached Rm13.5 million!
IF strike donate Rm1.5 million to societies!
So all bless me!! PRAY HARD!hee...
walaowei..really so shuey la. Why didn't tell me one??
Aiyah, then i won't deduct off from your debt..hahaha...
Anyway, it's all over.
Also, U look so fat in that pic!!!
wakaka.a...He had told me alr..Anyhow it's okay now...
Pay only ma...(altho i got no money to pay for him but Im sure he know where to find money 1--ngek ngek..)
Kiat, u still got time to snap picture before you apply anything for the wound. Keng chao...Plus kaki tak ada bulu 1!!
Well ill pray hard for you for that TOTO....plz donate RM1million to me too la...
Irish/Marilyn: u got times listen to my stuff mear? u so busy with ann ann and shopping la...haha... paid by Love Heart Ice Cube manufacturing! hahaha... Suay is over now.. lucky come alr.. hehe.. I dint apply cream on my wound also.. kena mum diu until go to apply lor.. hehe.. yaya... i'm so fat now! jz got one fren say me fat.! haha..
only one fren say u're fat?
plus me!~
hahaa.... 2 lor... one day no tease me u seem to be suffer hor.... hahaha
wat a day for u.. xD
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