Sunday, May 3, 2009


What come first to ur mind when u think of model?
Handsome? Pretty?
Cool? Elegant? Perfect figure?
High paid? Short working hour? Easy Job?

Well, If you guys think of handsome and pretty human being only qualified to be a model then i believed u guys are still living in the 80's. Nowadays,human being with a serious bad body figure or maybe i can say as fat still can be a model. Why? As long as they are funny and they keep across your mind. This is more important than pretty or handsome.

A few days ago, i received an email from MT with the tittle of "Do you think easy to be a model?". After the clip, I don't think it is easy to be a model. Why? Enjoy the clip then....

Finished the clip?
Okay? I'm sure, this guy will make u laugh too!
Still remember how the guy look?
Easy to be a model??
What says you?


ms.wolf said...

hilarious clip XD. but this cannot be compared to the runway model la, which u hav to be pretty and can get high pay for "easy" job. somehow it's good that u remind us that there is still this kind of model job, u have the chance to be a model too ^^

Ivan Tan said...

ya of course..i know u mean for the runway model ma.. i know i have the height, body, face for the runway model.. herm herm...

Anonymous said...

dun b too big for urself lar.. u may ve the height but u definitely dun ve the look xD lol~

Ivan Tan said...

lolz... haha... who say so? erm.. .... speechless. hahhaha

Anonymous said...

ur dude.. jeromy xD

Ivan Tan said...

haha.. okay... fren for so long u also no give face.. okay okay... siao siao one.. hehe